Student researchers

  • This could be you!

    Each semester, we have different student researchers working on our projects. Do you want to know more? Please send an email to


  • João Quintais

    João is the co-director of the ILP Lab. João is an Associate Professor at the IViR. Starting with a focus on copyright law, João’s research agenda has developed along three research strands: intellectual property and new technologies; copyright law and its (algorithmic) enforcement; and the role and responsibilities of large-scale platforms. João is also Co-Managing Editor of the widely read Kluwer Copyright Blog, member of the European Copyright Society, member of the Information, Communication & the Data Society (ICDS) initiative at the UvA, and the Netherlands Network of Human Rights Research (Working Group Human Rights in the Digital Age). João has published extensively in the area of information law. He can be reached at

  • Ot van Daalen

    Ot van Daalen is the Managing Director of the Lab. Ot is a researcher and lecturer in the field of privacy and security. He is also the founder of a law firm specialised in privacy and security, Root Legal. He is working on a PhD thesis on the human rights-compatibility of the regulation of information security technologies. Previously, he worked at the Dutch Data Protection Authority and founded the Dutch digital rights movement Bits of Freedom. There he was closely involved in the creation of legislation in the field of privacy and internet freedom. Before launching Bits of Freedom, Ot worked for years at law firm De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek. He is an experienced speaker and is regularly asked an expert in the media. He can be reached at

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council of the Lab regularly provides advice to the office on its strategy. It consists of: